Monday, May 07, 2007

Policies or Beliefs?

Despite winning the Dunfermline West seat from Labour, the Lib Dems in Scotland did not fair well. Frankly, we did not do has well as we should have. I have spent the weekend recovering from my own defeat in the Council election.

Admittedly I was standing in a ward that has been very left Labour for generations but I am surprised that the SNP did as well as they did taking a large proportion of the vote. There was not nationalist feeling on the doorsteps, just an anti-Labour feeling.

The question I want to think about is why the SNP became the party of protest for Labour voters. Why not the Lib Dems? After some thought I am going to examine the following issues:

1. The Polcies of the Parties
2. The Beliefs of the Voters (to give you and indication of where I will go with that issue think about this, I joined the Labour Party becuase of its beliefs and I left it because of its policies.)
3. Leadership
4. Party Strength
5. Campaiging Skills

Keep an eye out for these thoughts.

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